Grades 7-11
July 7-18, 2025
Middle-High School Program: Study Skills and Writing
Middle and high school students must complete increasingly challenging writing assignments across the curriculum. Most students, however, have not mastered the grammar and language skills necessary to become effective and confident writers. ASDEC’s middle/high school specialists use state-of-the art multisensory strategies to help students improve reading, grammar, writing, and study skills in a lively small group setting. The program provides students with some of the most critical and necessary skills required for academic writing at the secondary level. Students will learn the multisensory process approach to improve sentences, paragraphs, and multi-paragraph essays.
Study skills instruction is embedded within the academic writing curriculum and will focus on time management, organization, vocabulary development, text annotation, webbing, summarizing, and source citation. Students will learn techniques that significantly improve comprehension and memory. Additionally, they will use software tools that aid in mastery of content information and organization.
Who should Attend?
Students entering grades 7-11 in the Fall of 2025 who currently are struggling in school .
What will they learn?
Pre-tests and post-tests administered in past summer programs reveal significant gains for participants in grammar and writing. Parents also report that their children demonstrate improved ability to complete short and long-term projects independently and on time.
Program Team
Laurie Moloney, CALT is the lead instructor. With 20 years of experience as an Academic Language Therapist, Ms. Moloney specializes in teaching students to read and spell fluently; take notes from textbooks, literature, and lecture; remember what they read and hear using powerful memory strategies; enlarge their vocabulary exponentially through the study of Greek and Latin morphemes; write well; manage their time and school materials effectively; and self-advocate.
Dates: July 7-18, 2025
Time: ????
St. Andrew the Apostle, Silver Spring, MD
$1,400 plus a non-refundable $100 application fee.
How to Apply
Step 1: Complete online pre-registration along with payment of non-refundable deposit
Step 2; Send student's educational testing to
Step 3: After staff review testing, student will be invited to meet with summer program director for intake and placement.